your life is your own and not one other person's life. contrariwise, everyone else has their own existence that you cannot control.
so please do not live your life for someone else. do not try to fulfill their dreams or desires. do not figure their plot into your script. do not write their ending into your play.
for to do so, is like filling your hands with the water of your life and then trying to hand it over to them while they have hands cupped, already full with their own water... further, you can never get their temperature of water right, and you will always scold or freeze your hands with the temperature of their "dreams"
nothing you do is more important than what you want, what you love and desire.
i fell into this pattern, as many many of us tend to, listening to our parents, wanting so much for love and affection, mistaking their guidance towards "the right" path as directions or instructions on how they can love you the most.
caution! this path is a dangerous and treacherous one, filled with heartache and despair. for you can never get another's dream perfect... .::PAUSE::. is it possible that someone else, someone who has never been inside your mind, someone who has never envisioned what makes your skin tickle, could know the exact details of your dreamy dreams? then likewise, it would be a waste to expect you to truly know theirs.
and yet, many of us trudge along, resigned to the life long failing pursuit of pleasing someone else and their dreamy desires. some so long that the dreamer has passed on and we have held on so long that we must "make it right."
how foolish... remember the water? so if you were to get the temperature just right and in the right way, exactly, perfectly... even IF (which you can't), but even IF... well now they aren't even there anymore... they don't even have HANDS for which you could drop their dreamy water in!! how silly of us?!?!
so i promise you, you'll start feeling better once you let go... stop living their life... stop living your lie... start in this instant to live your love, just as you experience its ever unfolding and forever expanding intricacies...
don't worry about those other dreamers who would have you pause your dreams for theirs... they may get angry for 5 minutes... or 5 days... or 5 years... but in the meantime, you'll exponentially increase your life's joyous loving experience... and isn't that worth it?
i promise you'll love it... open your cupped hands and let their scolding hot water drop. grab the faucet and put your perfect temperature stream of dreams in your OWN hands!!
Thank you. Beautiful words that speak to the Heart.
ReplyDeleteBeautifully painted meaning in words :)Thank you