
fair or right?

is it better to be fair or be right?
is it better to share or to fight?

many years ago, i would have chosen the latter option on both... but i feel now there are easier ways to deal with the world.
and i feel that the word "better" has changed meaning for me to "easier" in that "easy" is what i strive for.

many times, headstrong, i would form opinions and battle to defend-- to destroy opposition-- to win every fight. in fact, i sought out fights.

many mornings i would don my armor, preparing for a day of tumultuous arguments to win win win.

today, i rest.
now, feeling what i know is true, i can rest.
it is easier for me to see fairness... to feel the love in sharing... to know the peace of collaboration.
every interaction i have, i can feel my calm transfer and i no longer battle.
my energy assuages apprehension in ways unimaginable to the young soul. no need any longer for any battle, to attack or defend.
there is no right or wrong, only different, a contrast i welcome like the morning sun's kiss on my cheek after a restful slumber.
there is no requirement for my battle-worn armor to defend, for there is none that exists who can slay love.

tonight, i rest.
now, sitting in serenity, a lullaby of love wraps her arms around me.
all i can feel is the warm glow of peace in the word "easy"-- the choice i have made to see the less resistant path.
i choose not "better" in the way my younger confused and tortured self once did, but rather "easy." and i look back through the pages of life at a beautiful contrast that has swept me godspeed to where i currently lay.

peace for me. love for you.

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