there were a great many responses that i expected: hate, anger, condemnation, exclusion, revenge, punishment. i did not feel that i could move past this topic without sharing my response. i felt that my way of viewing this was one that many people could benefit from. beyond that small circle of friends on her page, i also wanted to share this with my readers and friends.Here is a question that not many of you will be brave enough to answer, especially the men. IF A MAN RAPES A WOMAN IS HE EVIL? I would really love your thoughts on this . xox
and my response was:
there is no source of evil... only a source of love.
as such, no, a man who commits ANY ACT that society does not agree with, be it rape, or murder, theft, or otherwise, he is not "evil."
he, like you, is just doing the best he can with what he knows. he is at a different place than you, of course, so you may not understand his decisions, but for a person to be in such a place indicates that he is at a LOW LOW place of powerLESSness and that he does such things in an effort to move up, to move towards a place where he has more power, more control. he may not make decisions that you would or that you agree with or that you even understand, but from his uniquely individual place, he is making decisions in an effort to feel better.
we cannot spout the statement "We are One" and "We are Connected" or play games like forgiveness and acceptance and then believe in the concept of "evil" and cast out those who make decisions that we do not agree with. remember, things are not in "right" or "wrong"... there is "your way" and there is "my way" and about 6 billion "other ways!" however, we have come collectively into societies and agreed upon a few things and we choose to enforce those agreements, but none of it makes us more "right" or makes them more "wrong."
does all of me saying this absolve said man from his acts? well, no. we live in sectors of society and to maintain order and structure, those agreements that we have made must be enforced. his punishment will be removal from society for a good chunk of his life (prison) and then be an outcast for the remainder of his life as long as people know his acts.
but will i condemn him? hell no. because for where he is in relationship to me is like where i am in relationship to the Angels and God. for me to condemn him for his decisions that are not aligned with my vibration would be like God condemning me for decisions that are not aligned with that Higher vibration. it would be like the Source of the Universe saying to me "no, you weren't *bad* in the eyes of your society, but you *did* make decisions i *never* would have, and thus i deem you EVIL!" that is not a scenario that i am prepared to believe in.
i believe in the ever present, ever flowing towards me, super amazing and constant Stream of Love into my life. you may call the Force by a different name: God, or Latinate Deus, Greek Θεός, Slavic Bog, Sanskrit Ishvara or Deva, or Arabic Allah... all the same, infinite source of Love and Acceptance and Forgiveness. but for me, i will be more like that Stream of Love and emanate that outwardly towards every person, every soul, regardless of their previous acts. i will join my society in enforcing out agreement to lock him up, but i will stand alone if i have to in forgiving him and loving him.
i hope that you may see why i would feel this way. ♥ love to all of you, regardless of your opinions. in fact, love to all of you BECAUSE of your opinions. ♥